Search Engine Optimization Audit and Website Review

ProWeb Innovations is offering a free SEO Audit for five pages in existing websites, or a website in the planning stages. Within the last two years search engines have made major changes to their algorithms, including the much publicized Panda, and Penguin updates by Google. Now is a good time to review your past search engine optimization tactics to ensure your website is compliant with new rules, and for the future of your content marketing strategy.

  • Check URL For Broken Links
  • Check Title Page For Keywords
  • Page Meta Description Tag
  • Website Key Performance Indicators
  • Check Heading Tags For Keywords
  • Call To Action
  • Clear Navigation Structure
  • Use of Video or Images
  • Social Sharing
  • Internal Links and Anchor Tags
  • Page Speed Performance
SEO URL Review

Check URL For Broken Links

Using link checking tools, we will analyze all out–going links to ensure your website does not receive any 404 error messages that will slow down the loading of the web page, and increase bandwidth.

SEO Keyword Review

Check Title Page For Keywords

Once we have established the keywords targeted by the web page, we´ll review the Title tag to ensure proper placement of the keyword.

SEO Description Tag Review

Page Meta Description Tag

We will review the URL´s Meta Description tag, for the proper length and content. The Description tag is what will show up on a Search Engines Results Page (SERP). It needs to grab the users eye and be clever enough to make them want to click through to your landing page.

SEO KPI Review

Website Key Performance Indicators

Does the website align with the overall goals of your business? We can check to see if Goals, or Events are set up using tags to analyze your desired outcome from visitors to your website.

SEO Heading Tags Review

Check Heading Tags For Keywords

H1 and H2, commonly called Heading tags will be examined for keywords. When search engines crawl your website they inspect these tags to gain a better understanding of what the page is about.

SEO CTA Review

Call To Action

Every web page should contain a clear Call To Action (CTA). They need to be positioned properly, stand out from the rest of the page, and give the user a clear idea of what happens once they click on it.

SEO Navigation Review

Clear Navigation Structure

Is the navigation clearly defined on the page? Navigation menus should be text based, not images, and need to function without JavaScript. Another concern is the folder structure for the whole Root folder. Instead of drop down menus, it is preferred to house related topics on their own landing pages, which link to each new section.

SEO Video Review

Use of Video or Images

Can your marketing message be conveyed with images or video? Users are more likely to be attracted to images, or watch a short video than read all the content on the page.

SEO Social Sharing Review

Social Sharing

Are Social Sharing buttons clearly defined for a user to easily share with friends. One of the most important features for SEO in the future will be the amount of shares you receive. Reports show that there is a direct correlation between the number of social shares and inbound links.

SEO Links Review

Internal Links and Anchor Tags

In addition to the Navigation Menu, it´s important to link to internal pages on your website, or specific sections using the Anchor tag. Search engines will use your internal links to determine what your page is about.

SEO Speed Review

Page Speed Performance

Using publicly available tools for testing page speed, we can determine what improvements can be made to increase the download of your website pages. Some simple actions include implementation of file compression software, optimizing images, and minifying CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files.


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James Sacci 
ProWeb Innovations
101 Leda Dr.
Peekskill, NY10566
Telephone: 914 257-7111